This. Week. What the heck man there was some stuff that went down.
Let's start with the spiritual fire. We'll get to the physical one later...
We did a combined youth activity this week and it was so fun! It was
an attempt to find new people through the youth. We started the
activity showing a video to all the youth that is good but a little
lame. After the video, I got up and started talking about how
important this fight of life is and about fighting for God. I started
getting a little more intense as I spoke. I started talking about
Moroni and the title of liberty. I talked about how he rent his coat.
Just then, I pulled off my suit coat and ripped it in half! The youth
gasped. (Don't worry mom it was a $7 suit from goodwill). They
couldn't believe it! So with that we started the competition. I ran
around screaming and hollering and those youth got so into it! I had
them eating right out of my hand. Elder Hewitt and I had spent a
little time making the MOST incredible trophy you've ever seen! The
youth shared the gospel with over 200 of their friends. It was so
incredible! So far we got one new investigator and we are looking
forward to more! Woot woot! We started a spiritual fire and it isn't
going out!
Thursday night we had an amazing lesson with our investigator Des! She
is amazing. The spirit was so strong! The bishop came with us and told
us afterwards how surprised he was at her progress. 2 years ago she
hated God. Thursday night she said she doesn't love Him yet, but she
really likes Him. It's progress!
Saturday we went to the temple with Grace and her mom! I love the
Visitor Center so much. Bishop dropped us off and was going to pick us
up when we finished. Grace could feel the spirit so much. It was such
an incredible day! The temple is beautiful. Well, we called bishop to
pick us up and he said, "I'll be there in an hour or so. Go convert
something while you wait" Well, we didn't know what to do because it's
hard to convert someone going to the temple for a session haha! So we
gave tours to the people coming out of the temple! We weren't supposed
to because that's the Visitor center sisters' job, but we were going
crazy! It was a ton of fun.
Now for the physical fire! **DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT HURT MOM.**
Sunday 3:30am We wake up to two HUGE explosions. I felt the
shockwaves hit me in my bed. We opened up the blinds and every car
alarm in the parking lot was going off and we saw this huge fireball.
We initially thought it was our building so we grabbed our go bags and
important things and ran for the door. We got down our stairs and two
cars were engulfed in this fireball. They were only 30 feet from our
door but man you could feel that heat. We called 911 and they said
they were already on the way. Everyone was outside just watching in
horror. Luckily no one was hurt but both cars are a total loss. You
can't even recognize them. It was NUTS. Our next door neighbor's 2012
BMW just blew up and you know what he's doing? Going Facebook Live and
videoing his car burning. We couldn't fall back asleep for another
hour or so because the firefighters were cleaning up and stuff.
Needless to say Sunday night it was difficult to fall asleep, just
hearing those explosions in my head.
We sang again in church yesterday! That was a lot of fun. We sang "If
the Savior Stood Beside Me" one of my favorites. The spirit was so
strong. We got to teach the 16-18 Sunday school class and I LOVE these
kids!! The youth are amazing!! They've become really good friends. I
can't wait for these kids to go on missions!
I'm so thankful for Heavenly Father and the trials He gives us. It's
because He loves us that He gives us mountains to climb. I hope you
can always be counting your blessings because we are infinitely
blessed! I hope everyone has a Flamin' awesome week!
Elder Hall
Temple Visit! TECH Night Fight trophy!!
What's left of the 2012 BMW The fire truck
Flower in bloom at the temple