Me and Elder Wilcock at the country fair!
Holy smokes! Actually, that's literal because there has been so much
smoke from British Colombia lately, it's awful! Anyway, I have so much
to tell you guys this week! It has been such a fun crazy week! There
were LOTS of laughs this week. So here we go, hold on tight!
Last Monday for FHE, the ward built and raced rafts across the pond!
It looked super fun, but of course we couldn't participate because we
are missionaries and missionaries can't go out on water. Luckily,
Elder Lott and I found some fishing poles so we went fishing! For all
of you that know me, you know that I was in absolute heaven.
So we captured 6 spiders and put them in this giant Tupperware bowl
and made them go hunger games on each other. It's been our source of
entertainment for the week and holy cow it's been crazy! We are down
to three spiders now, but eventually they're going to get hungry. I'll
keep you updated.
Tuesday was Elder Wilcock's last district meeting, and we are the Zone
Leaders so we have to go anyway, but it was fun! It was at the
Sellwood building in Milwaukie, and the building is so old it has a
secret tower. So of course we went inside it! I'm definitely not the
body type for climbing 100 year old wooden ladders, but hey! You only
live once! I'll send pictures!
We taught Jordan on Thursday morning and it was awesome! He's so chill
and prepared for the Gospel. He's totally going to be baptized! He's a
good guy. We went to the temple visitor center Sunday morning with
him as well, and spirit was really strong! I have a funny story about
Jordan I'll get to in a minute...
Friday was so exciting! If you remember from my last area we were
teaching a girl named Cass. Well, Cass got baptized Friday night!!!
It was a really wonderful evening. The air-conditioning didn't work so
it was 85° in the building, but other than that it was lovely. She is
an amazing girl. The spirit was so strong and she was so happy! I am
so proud of her!
Saturday was the annual Milwaukie Stake Country Fair! It was a
huge party! Elder Lott and I got to serve snowcones and corn on the
cob. We ended up being a real popular booth because we danced the
whole night! We had way more fun than we should have, but that's usual
for us.
So, yesterday morning, we took Jordan to the temple as I said earlier.
He had a good time, but was a little tired. We went to church right
after and he sat next to me. About halfway through the meeting,
something slumped against my shoulder. It was Jordan. He was sound
asleep! I wasn't sure what to do, so I kept him there. He had a good
15 minute snooze snuggled on my shoulder. When he woke up, he hadn't
realized how long he had been there. When Sacrament ended we all got a
good laugh about it.
Also, it rained yesterday for he first time in like two months! It was
weird and beautiful all at the same time!
*Jasmin Appreciation Post*
Jasmin is the best person ever. Holy cow what would we do without her?
She feeds us food, she makes us laugh, she laughs at us, and she lets
us know what is up. If you don't know Jasmin, it's totally your loss.
You're gonna do great in Utah! Woo woo go get 'em girl!
Also, I heard game one for my Vikings is this week! Let's go boys! Get the W!
It's transfer day today, and luckily Elder Lott and I are staying
together! This will be his last transfer on the mission and I get to
be his comp! We have at least one laughing attack every day and we
teach very well together. He has become a good friend and I'm excited
to spend the next 6 weeks with him!
I'll end with something that our bishop said yesterday. He said, "You
can do anything with two people, as long as one is the Lord and the
other one is willing." I LOVE THAT. It reminds me of my favorite
chapter of scripture, Moses 6. Enoch was willing and the Lord was with
him. Because of that, there were wonders of the gospel that came to
pass. The same is true for us in our lives if we just let Him in.
I love you all, have a wonderful week! And GO VIKINGS!!
With love,
Elder Hall
DLC in Milwaukie! Me and Elder Wilcock as "a dead man."
In the Sellwood Tower
Me and Elder Lott! District slumber party!
Touching the Willamette River! Smashing a small truck!
Cass's baptism! Me and Elder Lott at the country fair
Me becoming an "Oregonian!"
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