Wednesday, January 17, 2018

That dang sticker!

The bonfire, Chloe the goat, and Starlord the dog

Hey from Oregon today! It is a bright and beautiful mostly cloudy day. Haha we are enjoying any glimmer of sunshine we can! This week has brought a lot of fun and cool experiences I am excited to share with everyone! 

On Wednesday, we went to this super sketch trailer park and when we got out of the car, there was this super cute little yorkie on the porch of this house that kept jumping, just summoning us over. So we walk over and this lady (her name is Yolanda!) opens the door and we start talking. She had never heard of the Book of Mormon so we shared what it was about and read 3 Nephi 11:11. She loved it! We committed her to read the rest of the chapter, got her phone #, and a return appointment! It was so cool! #firstnewinvestigatorthistransfer

Ok so Friday was an adventure. We started the morning with interviews with President Bullen and can I just say I love that man. He is such an incredible man that inspires me. We had an awesome discussion about missions and how much I’ve changed. We were blessed to watch the funeral of our beloved prophet Thomas S Monson shortly after our interviews and it was a beautiful service as most of you probably know. What a fitting tribute to such an incredible man!

We went to lunch shortly after the funeral with President Bullen, President White, the stake president of Beav West, and Sister Bullen. President Bullen had asked us to bring a copy of the Book of Mormon with the new OPM stickers we are putting in the cover. Elder Wallace and I walked out to our car to get one and we discovered that we didn’t have any more copies with the sticker in them. We literally only had one job for this meeting and it was to bring a copy of the Book of Mormon with the dang sticker in it! We thought quick on our feet, and remembered some missionaries lived just half a mile from where we were having lunch. We jumped in the car and drove there slightly illegally fast, found a copy with a sticker, and drove back. We ran in and tried to look calm and refined. President Bullen didn’t even ask any questions why we were gone a little longer than it should have taken. Hahaha probably one of the best moments of my life! 

Another highlight of that Friday lunch was running into my good friend, President Giles of the Milwaukie stake! I love that man very much. It was so good to see him!

Well, Saturday was awesome! We went up to the Woodside’s house as usual. We built an enormous bonfire to burn and it was amazing! I look forward to going up there every week. Spending time with the dogs, the goats, and usually work in a fire there somewhere. It was an adventure as the fire started to die out, but after much love and stoking, we saved it and had a successful burn! 

It wasn’t until later that day Elder Wallace and I realized that Saturday was a landmark day for us. It was our 18 month mark! We forgot to burn a pair of pants, but I think a pile 15 feet high and 9 feet across will suffice. We decided to celebrate and go out to dinner to our favorite Hawaiian place, Roxy’s. As I’ve pondered my last 18 months of service in the Lord’s army, I can’t help but think of all that I’ve learned and the people I’ve met, the places I’ve been, the things I’ve experienced. This has been the experience of a lifetime! I’m anxious to see what these last six months will bring.

I love this gospel, I know it is true. Jesus Christ lives. I love you all, have a fantastic week!

With Love,

Elder Hall

Zone Conference

Me attempting to take a picture with a cat that proceeded to bite me. Don’t pick up stray cats.

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